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BCHA congratulates Terrace on nativity scene rejection

Secularists are cheering a move by staff at the City of Terrace to reject the planned erection of a nativity scene over city hall.

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UPDATE: Invocation cancelled in Creston following complaints by Humanists

UPDATE (Nov 9, 2022): Following complaints by the BC Humanist Association, Creston's inaugural council meeting proceeding without its planned invocation.

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Parksville warned over planned "blessings" in inaugural council meeting

The City of Parksville's planned "blessings" at its upcoming inaugural council meeting is drawing criticism from the BC Humanist Association.

On Monday, November 7, 2022 at 1pm, the City of Parksville will hold its inaugural council meeting following the recent municipal elections. As part of that agenda, the City is including "blessings." In 2018, those were delivered by Dr Paul Hawkes, Lead Pastor at the Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church.

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Humanists decry planned invocation by Clearwater council

The BC Humanist Association (BCHA) is reiterating its call on the council of the District of Clearwater to drop its planned invocation from tomorrow evening's inaugural council meeting.

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Census 2021: Majority of British Columbians are non-religious

The BC Humanist Association is celebrating the latest data from the Census shows that 52.1% of British Columbians are non-religious. This is a reflection of the growing trend of people in BC and across Canada who are choosing to live their lives without religion. In the 2011 National Household Survey (which replaced the census that year), 44.1% of British Columbians were non-religious.

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Humanists ask Imagine Canada to rethink position on anti-choice groups

In a letter sent today, the BC Humanist Association is calling on the voice of Canada's charitable sector to drop its opposition to proposed measures to end charitable status for anti-choice organizations.

Imagine Canada provides resources and accreditation for charities and non-profits and advocates for issues affecting the non-profit sector. It's taken a position against possible legislative changes to end the charitable status for anti-abortion organizations.

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BCHA reminds newly elected councils not to open meetings with prayers

The BC Humanist Association (BCHA) is asking BC municipalities to confirm that this year's inaugural council meetings will be secular.

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End charity status for crisis pregnancy centres - Budget 2023 response

In its brief submitted today, the BC Humanist Association is calling on the federal government to use Budget 2023 to end charity status for anti-choice organizations, including crisis pregnancy centres.

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Only seven districts enshrine secularism in BC schools

S76 of the School Act: (1)	All schools and Provincial schools must be conducted on strictly secular and non-sectarian principles. (2)	The highest morality must be inculcated, but no religious dogma or creed is to be taught in a school or Provincial school.

Despite the legal requirement that all schools be “strictly secular,” our initial review has found that only 7 of the 60 public school districts in British Columbia have a policy that explicitly limits religious proselytization in schools.

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BCHA asks all MPs to end prayers in House of Commons

The BC Humanist Association today wrote to all 338 Members of Parliament to ask them to end prayers in the House of Commons.

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