Humanism: Reason, compassion and hope

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Federal Finance Committee endorses end to religious charitable status

In December, a Parliamentary committee recommended Canada end automatic charitable status for religious groups, mirroring recommendations from the BC Humanist Association (BCHA).

A step toward greater transparency from "crisis pregnancy centres"

The BC Humanist Association (BCHA) is joining reproductive justice advocates in lauding an announcement by the federal government to require greater transparency from so-called "crisis pregnancy centres" (CPCs). This move is a significant step towards ensuring that organizations promoting harmful and misleading information about reproductive health cannot exploit charitable tax benefits....

Vancouver's faith based housing motion undermines duty of neutrality

The BC Humanist Association has written in opposition to a forthcoming City of Vancouver Council Members' motion, arguing it runs contrary to the spirit of the City's constitutional duty of religious neutrality.

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What we achieved in 2024

Across the world, we've seen a resurgence of Christian Nationalism in 2024 that threatens many of the gains that progressive secularists have fought and won over the past few decades. Today, toxic polarization and the rejection of evidence-based decision-making infects so much of the discourse and undermines democratic and humanist...

Humanists argue for ex-religious privacy rights at BC Court of Appeal

Lawyers argued over the constitutionality of BC's privacy law at the BC Court of Appeal yesterday in an ongoing dispute between the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of BC. The BCHA was able to bring the voice of those who've chosen to dissociate from...

Rossland rejects Catholic Church tax exemption

The small city of Rossland in the West Kootenays voted last month to tax some vacant land around the local Catholic Church.

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