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Federal Finance Committee endorses end to religious charitable status

In December, a Parliamentary committee recommended Canada end automatic charitable status for religious groups, mirroring recommendations from the BC Humanist Association (BCHA).

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A step toward greater transparency from "crisis pregnancy centres"

The BC Humanist Association (BCHA) is joining reproductive justice advocates in lauding an announcement by the federal government to require greater transparency from so-called "crisis pregnancy centres" (CPCs). This move is a significant step towards ensuring that organizations promoting harmful and misleading information about reproductive health cannot exploit charitable tax benefits.

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Vancouver's faith based housing motion undermines duty of neutrality

The BC Humanist Association has written in opposition to a forthcoming City of Vancouver Council Members' motion, arguing it runs contrary to the spirit of the City's constitutional duty of religious neutrality.

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Report: Saskatchewan Municipalities Including Unconstitutional Prayer in Meetings

For the sixth time, research from the BCHA has identified municipalities violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

A new report from the BC Humanist Association (BCHA) found that multiple Saskatchewan municipalities continue to include prayers in their council meetings, despite a 2015 Supreme Court of Canada ruling that deemed the practice unconstitutional.

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Humanists blast BC Builds housing partnership with homophobic church

Secularists are calling on the Government of BC to reverse a recently announced partnership between BC Builds and a Burnaby church that opposes same-sex marriage.

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Majority would ditch legislative prayers: Poll

The BC Humanist Association is renewing its call for legislatures to end the practice of opening each day's sitting with prayers following a new poll that found a majority of Canadians would prefer a moment of silent reflection or nothing.

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Advance human rights and uphold the duty of religious neutrality: Pre-Budget 2025 response

In its brief to the House of Commons Finance Committee's Pre-Budget 2025 consultation, the BC Humanist Association (BCHA) today called on the government to end charitable status for anti-abortion organizations, remove the privileged status of religion in charity law and repeal the clergy residence deduction.

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Consent underlies religious and privacy rights: Our arguments for the BC Court of Appeal

British Columbia's privacy laws and the Charter's protection of religious freedom are both fundamentally based on principles of consent and freedom from coercion, we argued in our submissions to the BC Court of Appeal yesterday.

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BC municipalities 'prayer-free' as Parksville commits to religious neutrality in future meetings

The BC Humanist Association (BCHA) is declaring the end of municipal prayers in British Columbia (BC) following a commitment from the City of Parksville that there will not be prayers in the City's next inaugural council meeting.

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Humanists welcome lawsuit against St Paul's MAID obstructions

The BC Humanist Association (BCHA) supports the legal action taken by Dr Jyothi Jayaraman and the family of Samantha O’Neill against Providence Health Care and the Province of British Columbia. The lawsuit challenges health authority and provincial policies prohibiting medical assistance in dying (MAID) within the facilities, violating patients’ Charter rights.

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