Public Funds for Public Education

The bedrock for developing a respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is universal public education.

However, since 1977, successive governments in British Columbia have sought to create a two-tiered education system through a public subsidy to independent schools. A majority of these schools are faith based, while others charge prohibitive tuitions. These barriers segregate society along sectarian and socio-economic lines. Further, the Government has a duty to protect the rights of children, recognized under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in religious independent schools. Humanists have also welcomed innovative and experimental forms of education.

Under our call for an end to public funding of independent schools, the British Columbia Humanist Association:

  • Supports the principle of public funds for public education;
  • Opposes public funding going to faith-based education;
  • Joins calls for the phase out of public funding to all independent schools;
  • Supports greater innovation within the public education system; and
  • Calls on the Government of BC to ensure:
    • the religious neutrality of the Office of the Inspector of Independent
    • all independent schools meet comparable curriculum standards as public
      schools and
    • students in independent schools are free from discrimination and their
      freedoms of religion and expression are protected.

Do you support our work? Donate to the Public Funds for Public Education campaign.

Join our call for public funds for public education

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