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Toward an inclusive society: BCHA makes Budget 2022 submissions

In its response to the province's Budget 2022 consultation, the BCHA is calling on the Government of BC to end the funding of private schools and property tax exemptions for places of worship 

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Private school funding increases outpace inflation

Despite the change in government in 2017, the handout of public funds to private schools has neither decreased nor even slowed down.

Since the BC NDP formed government in 2017, funding increases for private schools have outpaced inflation every year. Further, the total growth in funding for private schools has outpaced the growth in funding for public schools.

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Petition calls for end to vaccine card loophole

As a requirement to show proof of vaccination at many events comes into effect in British Columbia, members of the BC Humanist Association (BCHA) are calling for an end to an exemption for religious events.

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Follow the money: BC's private school giveaway benefits wealthy and religious families

A new analysis from the BC Humanist Association shows that nearly three of every four dollars of the over $400 million that the province gives to private schools goes to religious schools; nearly all which are Christian or Catholic. And of the 19.6% of the funding ($83.6 million) that goes to secular private schools, the majority ($44.5 million or 53%) goes to elite schools.

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BCHA responds to federal pre-budget 2022 consultation

In its response to this year's pre-budget consultation, the BC Humanist Association is calling on the federal government to use Budget 2022 to end religious privileges in the tax code.

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Senate rises for summer without passing conversion therapy bill

The BC Humanist Association were disappointed to see the Senate adjourn for the summer yesterday without passing Bill C-6. The bill, which only cleared the House of Commons last week, would ban conversion therapy in Canada.

Senators had approved the bill at second reading and referred it to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. That Committee had not had a chance to meet prior to the Senate rising.

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Conversion therapy ban passes House of Commons

Humanists urge the Senate to pass Bill C-6 before summer break

In a recorded vote this afternoon, Members of Parliament voted 263-63 to grant third reading to a bill that would ban conversion therapy in Canada.

Bill C-6 is the second time Parliament has considered banning the harmful and pseudoscientific practice. A previous bill died when the legislature was prorogued in August 2020.

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Clergy residence deduction cost $1 billion over last decade

In its latest report, the BC Humanist Association (BCHA) has estimated that the clergy residence deduction has cost the Canadian government over $1 billion over the past decade as individual religious officials are able to reduce their taxes by one-third.

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Have an omelet and pray, with the Prime Minister

This morning, the Prime Minister, leader of opposition and an untold number of Members of Parliament gathered, over Zoom, to join in the annual National Prayer Breakfast. While the American version of the event is probably more familiar to most people, Canada has in fact had its own Prayer Breakfast for several decades.

We had Adriana Thom, our Policy Researcher, look into answering a few questions about the event.

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Religion doesn't protect contracts from judicial scrutiny

The BC Humanist Association is welcoming a unanimous decision by Canada's highest court that affirms that religious organizations can be subject to judicial scrutiny.

The case stems from five individuals who sued their former church following their expulsion from the congregation. The members alleged church leadership failed to follow their own internal bylaws and they asked the courts to uphold their rights as members of the church.

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