The BC Humanist Association is warning that further delays to the expansion of medical assistance in dying (MAID) risk putting Canadian's end-of-life choices in jeopardy.
The Senate is currently debating Bill C-62, which would delay for three more years the expansion of MAID to individuals whose sole underlying condition is a mental disorder. This is in addition to the multiple delays the government has added to this expansion since Bill C-7 became law in March 2021.
Ian Bushfield, Executive Director, BC Humanist Association:
This government has been absolutely unwilling to meet the Supreme Court of Canada's 2015 decision that anyone with grievous and intolerable suffering should be able to consent to a medically-assisted death. Once again, people who are suffering are being told to wait even longer with no guarantee that their rights will be recognized.
The BCHA is asking supporters to write their Senators to ask them to defeat the bill and ensure MAID is extended to those with a mental disorder.
Bushfield added, "A three-year delay puts MAID expansion after the next federal election if it happens at all."
Learn more about MAID and mental disorders.