Our comments on BC Budget 2021

The Government of British Columbia is currently consulting for Budget 2021.

On Monday, I spoke before the BC Legislature's Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services and presented two of our ideas for that budget. First, that municipalities be given the ability to tax places of worship. And second, that the public subsidy for private schools be fazed out.

We've written extensively on both of these topics. In particular, I encourage you to follow our Fair Property Taxes and Public Funds for Public Education campaigns. We're also actively working on both of these projects and will have a report on religious property tax exemptions out in the coming months and we just released a report comparing the performance of public and private school students.

Additionally, later this month we will have our full submission for the Finance Committee further exploring these two issues and other areas of concern.

Read the draft transcript from Hansard here.

Add your own voice to Budget 2021 by responding to the consultation here.

You can read our previous Budget submission here.

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