Christian takeover at Delta Hospice

The BC Humanist Association has heard complaints from Delta residents, echoed by reporting for CBC News, of efforts by the Board of Directors of the Delta Hospice Society to convert the organization into a Christian anti-choice body.

Applicants who wish to join the Society are saying they've been denied and new bylaws are being put to a mail-in vote that would ban medical assistance in dying in the hospice.

In February, the BCHA cheered the Minister of Health's decision to pull the Hospice's funding for refusing to provide MAID and urged the Government to end a loophole for faith-based organizations.

Ian Bushfield, Executive Director, BC Humanist Association:

It appears that current leadership of the Hospice are hoping to use the cover of COVID-19 to radically transform this community resource into a sectarian organization.

The Minister has previously said that faith-based facilities can play by different rules, so it wouldn't be surprising if the Directors demand their funding be restored if they're ultimately successful in this venture.

This is why the Government must get out of the business of funding religious hospices.

Read the proposed bylaws

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