
Opinions expressed on the BC Humanist Association's blog do not necessarily reflect those of the BCHA or the Board of Directors.

Remembering Dr Ernest Poser

On 30 May 2012, long-time local humanist Dr. Ernest Poser passed away. Glenn Hardie provided a few brief words in his honour at our June 3rd Sunday morning meeting.

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Letter of the week - Glenn Hardie

In response to an extended article about a church meeting on Granville Island, Glenn Hardie wrote a letter to the Vancouver Courier that was published last week.

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The Imagine No Religion 2 conference

This past weekend, around 250 atheists, agnostics, humanists, heretics, freethinkers, and apostates gathered at the Kamloops Convention Centre for more than 2 days of heresy and community building. The entire event was a rousing success, thanks to the tireless efforts of Bill and Kathy Ligertwood of the Kamloops Centre for Rational Thought.

I’ll give a brief overview of each of the presentations below, in program order.

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AGM Brainstorming

Last night was our Annual General Meeting. We had a good turnout and I want to thank everyone who came out and congratulate our new Board of Directors: Alan Byers, Crystal Catudal, Eric Damer, Mclean Edwards, Kathy Leavens, Heather McDonald, and myself.

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Profiling and political correctness

Neuroscientist and End of Faith author Sam Harris has set off a flurry of criticism over his recent essay, “in defense of profiling.”

In light of recent terrorist threats and attacks, Harris argues that “We should profile Muslims, or anyone who looks like he or she could conceivably be Muslim, and we should be honest about it.”

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Premier calls on British Columbians to "reflect and renew faith"

I don’t want to get too political (and especially not partisan) on this blog, but I would be remiss if I didn’t post this story from a couple weeks ago.

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Should Humanists oppose sex-selective abortions?

Humanists in Canada have long fought for the right for women to control their own fertility.

However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that East Asian immigrants in Canada are having fewer than average baby girls, suggesting that some parents may be aborting foetuses based on their gender. This has even prompted the Canadian Medical Association Journal to call for doctors to withhold the sex of a foetus until 30 weeks into a pregnancy – past the point that most physicians in Canada would perform an abortion.*

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The growth of the nones

Two interesting polls came out in the past week, both documenting the growing strength of the non-religious in Canada and British Columbia.

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Words Engraved

As part of my electronic spring cleaning, I came across a number of emails that I meant to respond to or that merited more attention than I first gave them. Below are videos entitled “Words Engraved” that were designed to inspire humanist and enlightenment values.

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Quebec moves towards Dying With Dignity

About a week ago Quebec’s Dying With Dignity Committee released their final report on assisted suicide in the province.

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