
Opinions expressed on the BC Humanist Association's blog do not necessarily reflect those of the BCHA or the Board of Directors.

Watch John Oliver on sex education

John Oliver takes on the failings of sexual education across the USA in his latest episode of Last Week Tonight. It’s worth watching the full 20 minute clip.

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If the United Church expels its atheist minister, should her congregation join a Humanist group?

Gretta Vosper, the atheist and Humanist minister of a small United Church of Canada congregation in Ontario, is facing expulsion from her church for heresy. You can read the full story in the National Post. Vosper is a member of The Clergy Project which supports current and former religious professionals who have lost their beliefs in the supernatural.

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Poems for an atheist's funeral

Kirsten Brawn, one of our Board members, wrote the following poems for a friend’s funeral and wanted to share them. Let us know if you have your own humanist-inspired art that you’d like to share.


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Humanists in the 2015 Pride Parade

For the sixth consecutive year, the BC Humanist Association marched in support of Vancouver’s LGBTQ2+ community. This year, we were one of the many organizations to sign a pledge calling for federal and provincial legislation to ensure gender identity and gender expression are protected by human rights laws.

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Are city taxpayers on the hook for Papal visits?

Darwin Toivo, a member of the BCHA, forwarded me the letter he recently sent to the Mayor of Philadelphia. Darwin argues that the city shouldn’t have paid for a Catholic mass during the Pope’s recent visit to the city to investigate the city’s issues with homelessness. You can read his letter below.

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Humanists at Car Free Day

gord-car-free-day.jpgGord Leslie, Vice-President of the BC Humanist Association, gives the following report on the BCHA at Car Free Day 2015 on Commercial Drive in Vancouver.

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Obituary – Gerard Bloem, PhD 1914 – 2015

The following obituary was written by Glenn Hardie, a long-time friend of Gerard and Trudy.

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Doctors cry persecution at losing “right” to abandon patients

Yet another instance of Christian doctors claiming to be persecuted because they are being denied their self-arrogated “right” to impose their superstitions on their patients. If you can’t put your duties as a doctor above your imagined “duties” to your religion, you need to stop pretending to be a doctor. The last thing a desperate patient needs is to run into a decoy doctor who is really a religious zealot refusing to provide or refer for a needed, legal, medical service.

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Letter to the Vancouver Sun: Secular groups are also part of the Whole Society

BCHA President Sue Hughson's letter to the editor in the Vancouver Sun on Wednesday, March 25: Secularism aids dialogue; Only one in three British Columbians say they practise a faith

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