Humanism in the 2024 BC election

There's an election coming up.

On Saturday, October 19, 2024, British Columbians will vote for your next provincial government.

Humanist issues

Earlier this summer, we asked our members what are their priorities for this upcoming election. Using that feedback, we drafted the following questions that we sent to each of the major political parties:

  1. Climate change: Do you accept the scientific consensus that human actions contribute to climate change? What actions will you take to ensure that we reduce our emissions by 100% by 2040?
  2. Independent school funding: Will you support ending all public subsidies to faith-based private schools?

  3. Faith-based care denial: Will you support ending funding for faith-based healthcare institutions that refuse to provide legal medical services, including medical assistance in dying and abortion?
  4. Property taxes: Will you end the automatic property tax exemption for places of worship? Doing so would permit municipalities to decide whether, and under what circumstances, to grant such exemptions.

  5. Humanist marriage: Will you support amendments to the Marriage Act to permit Humanists and representatives of other non-religious belief systems to solemnize marriages in BC?
  6. Secularism in services: Will you ensure that public funds only support secular and inclusive services, including addiction treatment, childcare and housing?

  7. Prayer in the Legislature: Each day’s sitting of the BC Legislature opens with ‘prayers and reflections’ delivered by a different MLA. Would you support ending this practice? Until then, if elected would you deliver a humanist reflection?


Learn more about the election

  • Electoral boundaries have changed. Find your constituency with this tool
  • Make sure you've registered to vote before October 7, 2024
  • The last day to request a vote-by-mail package is October 13. 2024
  • Advance voting is October 10-13 and 15-16, 2024
  • Election day is October 19, 2024

Full details at Elections BC

Get involved in the election

  1. Attend Candidate Forums: Attend local candidate forums to hear directly from candidates. Ask questions related to the survey findings and advocate for humanist values.

  2. Contact Candidates: Reach out to candidates via email or social media. Share your concerns and ask how they plan to address key issues. Use our helpful tool to email your candidates.

  3. Volunteer: Join campaign efforts or volunteer for a candidate who aligns with your priorities.

  4. Vote: Encourage fellow humanists and non-religious individuals to vote. Every vote counts!

Other voter toolkits

BC Climate Emergency Campaign

Humanists UK General Election 2024 (UK-specific but there are some valuable guides on speaking to candidates here)

The BC Humanist Association is a non-partisan charity. While we campaign on issues that affect the rights of humanists and the non-religious, we neither endorse nor oppose any political parties or individual candidates.

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