Supreme Court of Canada to hear evangelical law school case

Canada's highest court announced last week that it will hear appeals on the proposed law school at Evangelical Christian Trinity Western University.

Law societies in BC, Ontario and Nova Scotia had denied accreditation to the school on the basis that the Community Covenant it forces students to sign excludes same-sex couples. Appeal courts in Nova Scotia and BC sided with TWU, while the Ontario court sided with their law society. The Supreme Court of Canada will hear the appeals to the BC and Ontario decisions together later this year.

The BC Humanist Association joined the Canadian Secular Alliance last year in intervening at the BC Court of Appeal to argue that religious freedom doesn't protect the creation of a secular law school.

Ian Bushfield, Executive Director, BC Humanist Association:

It was inevitable that this case was headed to the Supreme Court of Canada after appeal courts in two of our largest provinces came to fundamentally opposite answers on the same question. We're now looking at what arguments we can take to Ottawa to stand up for clear limits to freedom of religion that respect equality.

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