Humanists welcome vaccination registry

Religion and ignorance should no longer be acceptable excuses to not vaccinate children, according to the BC Humanist Association as Vancouver is in the midst of a measles outbreak.

The provincial government is in the process of establishing an immunization registry that parents will have to record their children's vaccination status prior to their school enrolment. A similar law in Ontario requires anyone claiming a philosophical or religious objection to vaccines to attend a 30-minute presentation on the benefits of vaccines.

Dr Bonnie Henry, BC's Provincial Health Officer told Global News:

If you have a philosophical reason, then yes, I do think there needs to be an education process, whether that’s taking a module or having a structured (discussion) with a clinician — either the medical health officer or designate — and then an official form signed saying you recognize the risks of not immunizing your child.​

Humanists support public health campaigns that are strongly supported by scientific evidence. The BCHA looks forward to the scrutinizing the details of the new provincial registry.

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