Summer 2020 Fund Drive

Our Summer Fund Drive is here! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking for your help to reach our goal of $2,500

By donating, you’re directly helping us to expand our outreach programs and work to fight for equality and reason in Canada. This funding will go towards continuing ongoing campaigns and projects, along with allowing us to launch new initiatives.

Specifically, with your support we’re looking to: 

  • Ban conversion therapy by the end of 2020
  • Fund a fall virtual speaker series 
  • Expand access to medical assistance in dying
  • Expand our fall team with staff members dedicated to both our ongoing research and events
  • Continue our fight against prayers in the BC Legislature
  • End unconstitutional prayers in cities across Canada

As we are a nonprofit, the work we do is only possible through the support of members and donors like you. Thank you in advance for your support!

“I’m a long-time supporter of the BC Humanist Association not just because their views mesh with mine, but because they actually roll up their sleeves and do extensive unique research to uncover improper religious intrusions into our governments and civil society. Just one example is their fascinating project that analyzed over 15 years worth of prayers said by MLAs in the BC legislature and found they were overwhelmingly religious.

“Another thing that really impresses me about the BC Humanist Association is their ability to do so much on a small budget. They use their limited resources and funding effectively and wisely, and I have no doubt they would increase their reach and influence considerably with an infusion of support.”

-Joyce Arthur, Executive Director of Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada

Update (August 6, 2020): We've been blown away by your support! In just one week we exceeded our initial goal, which means we can put more resources into expanded programming and our important campaigns.

We've extended our target to $5000 - can you help us hit our stretch goal?

This additional funding will ensure that we can keep our staff working full-tilt through the fall, advancing Humanism in British Columbia and across Canada.

$5,990.00 raised
GOAL: $5,000.00

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