Welcome to KASHA’s first Pizza and Learning about Solstice Party
Come out and meet KASHA members and/or the like-minded community.
What better way to celebrate Father’s Day!
5:30pm – The Astronomical Significance of the Solstice – Terry Bridges – Department of Physics and Astronomy at Okanagan College
The Cultural Significance of Solstice Across the Globe – Raynald Losier – Department of Couch Potato Anthropology
6:30pm – Pizza Party – Free first slice for official members. Non-members and second slices – $4.00 each.
Plates, cups, cutlery and water will be provided. Please bring some juice or pop. This is a family friendly social, alcohol is not allowed.
All are welcome, but please RSVP HERE
June 17, 2018 at 5:30pm - 9pm Pacific Time (US & Canada)