Humanism is a philosophy of life based on reason, compassion, and hope.
Our new Humanist Action campaign seeks to put those values into action by coordinating charitable fundraisers, community cleanups, and other good works, as suggested by our members.
Our first initiative is a fundraising challenge in support of Syrian refugees. Based on its exemplary track record in providing the most value per donation, we have chosen to raise money for Médecins Sans Frontières' (Doctors Without Borders') work in Syria. Click here to donate to our fundraiser. Click "Sponsor this event" and select "Syria conflict relief" under where you would like to direct your gift.
We will also be marching in the 2015 Vancouver Light the Night Walk in support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada. Click here to join the team or to sponsor one of our members. Simply click "Join the team" or click on one of our team members and select "Donate now".
Through these and future efforts, we are helping to leave the world a little better than we found it.
If you have an idea for a fundraiser that we should be part of email us at [email protected].