Sunday Meeting: Gordon Chung - Recovery Canada

Recovery Canada is a registered non profit organization offering peer led training in cognitive behavioural techiques to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Their leaders and assistant leaders are unpaid volunteers. The parent organization is Recovery International based in Chicago, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary. There are over 600 weekly peer led self help mental health training meetings held around the world.

Gordon Chung is the Burnaby Recovery Group Leader.

At Recovery International Meetings, you learn and use practical cognitive behavioural tools to deal with anxiety, depression, stress and anger in a safe supportive group setting. Recovery is also particularly suited to dealing with relationship problems. Relationship and marital counselling typically requires the attendance of both partners. Recovery is one of the few methods to heal relationships without the participation of the spouse or significant other. The group format provides hope as the experienced members demonstrate their improvement to the new members. The meeting also provides social contact for those isolated by fear, anxiety and depression. Meetings are peer led, anonymous, open to everyone, and we only request a voluntary $5.00 contribution to cover administrative costs. We do understand that some may not be employed, in those cases a contribution of any amount would be very appreciated.

The Recovery International Method is a system of cognitive behavioural self help techniques for controlling behaviour and changing attitudes. People who practice the living skills detailed in the Recovery International Method learn to change their thoughts and behaviours; changes in attitudes and beliefs follow.

Neuropsychiatrist Abraham Low, MD, developed these self help techniques, which are explained in his books such as Mental Health Through Will Training, The Wisdom of Dr. Low, the RI Discovery Workbook and Peace vs Power in the Family.

All are welcome to attend. Join us at 10 am for BYO coffee, tea, and socializing. At 10:30 am we start our presentation and discuss topics of interest to our members.

The BC Humanist Association was formed in 1984 and we have a regular attendance of over 30 people at our Sunday meetings.

Click here for more details on how to find the Centre. Our events are independent of the Seniors' Centre and are open to people of all ages and backgrounds.

February 18, 2018 at 10:00am - 12pm Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Oakridge Seniors Centre
650 W 41st Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2M9
Google map and directions

Will you come?

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