Turned out that the space at Trinity House was great. We had a private meeting room with air conditioning, a view out the window so we could see if any of our members were looking for us, no hassle, no questions about who we were. Drinks were available by donation. It is directly across the street from The Fort Pub. It was nice and cool on an exceptionally hot day. We are quickly adding new members but I would love to see some members who haven't been out in a while join us again soon or make suggestions about what they might be missing.
In August I will be away so the next get together I can organize will be September 22, same place, same time. Trinity House 9272 Glover Road at 2:30. If anyone wants to take over and organize a get together for August just let me know and I will share email addresses and details about how to do this.
It has been suggested that I should setup a closed group on FB to make communications easier. Please let me know if that is something you would like me to do and I can get it done.
Great to see those that came out and looking forward to a September meet when I get back.