Join FAQ

Benefits of membership in the BC Humanists community

  • Personalized invitations to our events and events host by our partners across British Columbia;
  • opportunities to support campaigns for secular and progressive values;
  • a tax receipt for the full value of any membership dues paid; and
  • and the knowledge that you are helping build the Humanist community in BC.

You will also receive:

  • a copy of the BCHA’s Constitution, Bylaws, Statement of Values and Principles and links to current policies by email;
  • access to the BCHA members’ site;
  • a BC Humanist Association email, free to use in accordance with the members’ email policy;
  • the right to notice of, and attendance at, general meetings of the BCHA; and
  • consistent with the BCHA’s bylaws and policies, the right to vote at members’ meetings and in elections for the Board of Directors.

Membership is open to anyone who agrees to uphold the constitution, bylaws, the Statement of Values and Principles and policies of the BC Humanist Association. By submitting an application, you attest to having read and agreed to these documents. These can be found on our Governance page.

What does it cost?

Minimum membership dues are $10 annually or $3 per month. We are funded entirely by donations from individuals, so we encourage contributions above the minimum amount. You will receive a tax receipt for the full amount you contribute.

If you do not renew your membership within six months of its expiry, you will have to complete a new application to join the BCHA again.

How do I apply?

Apply online using our form and your credit card to join the BCHA.

Prefer to send a cheque? Print and mail our membership form to us.

What happens next?

Per our bylaws and membership policy, all memberships are approved by the Board of Directors at the next board meeting. You are not a member until the application is approved by the board.

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