Our End of Year Fundraiser is here! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking for your help to reach our goal of $10,000. We've got hefty intentions for the year ahead, and need your help to make it happen.
This year, thanks to your support, we were able to accomplish a lot.
So far, our team has:
- Created two End of Life resource guides for humanists (available in print and audio forms)
- Released an expansive report on Legislative Prayer Across Canada
- Helped lead the call for Parliament to introduce and approve a federal ban on conversion therapy, a bill which has since been re-instated following months of inaction prior to our campaign
- Hosted a summer and fall virtual speaker series
- Wrote a chapter on our House of Prayers report for a book by the Canadian Study of Parliament Group, to advocate for abolishing prayers directly to the academic community
- Conducted an investigation into municipal council prayers in BC, the results of which will be released within the month
For 2021, we've got even more ambitious plans. However, we need your help to get started.
By donating, you’re directly helping us to expand our research efforts and work to fight for equality and reason in Canada. This funding will go towards continuing ongoing campaigns and projects, along with allowing us to launch new initiatives.
Specifically, with your support we’re looking to:
- Head up an investigation with the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada to take down misleading, so-called crisis pregnancy centers
End unconstitutional prayers in Canada by expanding our research on illegal municipal council meeting prayers to every province and territory in Canada
Uncover the location of so-called homes for unwed mothers, where women are coerced into giving up their children by religious authorities
- Print and distribute our two new End of Life resource guides for humanists to care homes and hospitals across British Columbia
- Launch an online spring speaker series
We'll be releasing more in-depth explainers on each of our goals through our social media and newsletter over the next few weeks, so please subscribe if you haven't already.
As we are a nonprofit, the work we do is only possible through the support of members and donors like you. Thank you in advance for your support!