April 10, 2017 Newsletter

Yesterday marked the 100th anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge.

While the battle has become a core part of the Canadian "myth", the event still troubles my consciousness as a Humanist.

Humanism has a long strain of pacificism and anti-war activism, including thinkers and activists like Bertrand Russell and Carl Sagan. The justifications for and jingoism of the First World War go against many of our deepest values.

Today those same nationalistic tendencies, as well as the dehumanizing of people deemed "our enemy" are at play once again.

We must continue to stand for reason, compassion, tolerance and peace. Lest we let another generation be sent to their deaths.

Ian Bushfield's photo of Vimy Ridge, Feb 2015.

Delta Police religious "endorsement by exclusion"

We've written to the Delta Police Department following an Interfaith Symposium it sponsored. At the event, Delta Police Chief Neil Dubbord claimed "it is clear that faith plays a most important role in drugs and drug addiction."

Read our letter and we'll let you know if we get a response.

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting is coming up on Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 10:00 AM at Oakridge Seniors' Centre.

Let us know if you're interested in standing for the board. We'll also be voting on a new constitution and bylaws.

You must be a member to vote at the AGM - check or renew your membership now.

Full details are on our website.

New on our website

News: Delta Police Interfaith Symposium is "endorsement by exclusion"
Apr 10, 2017

Our letter to the Delta Police challenging the constitutionality of its Interfaith Symposium.

Blog: Christianity and the First World War
From The Conversation, Apr 10, 2017

An American take on myth-making during the US involvement in the First World War.

Podcast: Ian Bushfield - Humanist Marriage
Apr 4, 2017

Why can't Humanists perform marriage in BC and what can we learn from jurisdictions that have legalized Humanist marriage?


Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 10:00 AM
Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 10:00 AM
Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 06:00 PM
Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 10:00 AM
Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 10:00 AM

See all upcoming events.

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