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Post Secular

Research from across North America and all over Western Europe show us declining church attendance among almost all sects of Christianity. Census data from a variety of countries also shows that self-described believers themselves are declining. As well, results from polling organizations demonstrate that the actual content of beliefs from remaining believers has also changed.

All of this data indicates both that active believers are declining and that the belief-content has been trending, over time, away from the literal, away from the conservative and from the supernatural. But why now, at this point in history? And why are believers still generally increasing in other faiths, as in Muslim-majority countries?

My new book, Post Secular, tries to answer these questions. It's a nonfiction work about the growth of secularism and non-religion around the world.

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Humanist Marriage petition FAQ

Last week we launched a petition calling on BC’s new Minister of Health to allow Humanists to perform marriages. Since then we’ve spoken with SpiceFM, CBCEarly Edition and CKNW and had nearly 500 people sign the petition.

In those conversations, and over social media, we’ve fielded a number of questions about our petition. While our report The Case for Humanist Marriage in BC answers many of those concerns, it’s worth doing a quick response to the most frequently asked questions.

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BCHA petitions Minister of Health: Legalize Humanist Marriage

The BC Humanist Association launched a petition today calling on the Minister of Health to legalize Humanist marriage in British Columbia.

The Vital Statistics Agency, which is responsible for registering organizations that can solemnize marriages in the province, rejected the Association's request in 2013. However, a freedom of information request showed that Wiccans, Zen Buddhists and even Scientologists have been registered by the Agency.

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Is Canada less racist than the USA?

By Melissa J. Gismondi, University of Virginia

In the aftermath of Charlottesville, it’s worth asking: Are Canadians really less racist than Americans?

A recent issue of Rolling Stone magazine — with a photo of a smiling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the cover - asks: “Why can’t he be our president?” It’s just the latest example of the global media’s current fascination with Trudeau and Canada and their supposed stark contrast to Donald Trump and the United States.

As a Canadian scholar at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, I’ve watched with fascination for months as media pundits both abroad and back home have promoted the idea of “Canadian exceptionalism.”

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Sex matters: Male bias in the lab is bad science

When I first started doing experimental biology, I noticed that we only looked at males.

I was in a fly lab — a very good one — and we could have looked at males or females, or both, but we didn’t. We collected female flies to mate, of course (flies need males and females to reproduce, just like humans), but we ran all of the experiments on males. We weren’t alone.

Many labs I interacted with did the same thing. In fact, most of the labs I talked to only worked with males. Some couldn’t remember when they had last tested a female subject. Maybe coincidentally, maybe not, all of the labs I can remember talking with were run by men.

If pressed for a reason why they only tested males, the usual answer was that biology was biology and what we find in males, we find in females, but females were more variable. I’ve even written a sentence stating this in a paper.

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Rebuilding science capacity in Canada after a decade of destruction

Canada is emerging from a decade in which our government systematically dismantled the research capacity of our nation.

The Liberal government has touted their support for science and evidence-based policies. One of their first actions was to put together an expert panel to review how fundamental research is funded in Canada to take stock of the current ecosystem and see where improvements are needed.

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July 31, 2017 Newsletter

We will not be going to the Supreme Court of Canada this fall.

Last year, we joined an intervention with the Canadian Secular Alliance at the BC Court of Appeal over the proposed law school at evangelical Trinity Western University. The court ultimately ruled with TWU and didn't address the arguments we made.

We had hoped to expand upon those arguments - that there are strict limits to what religious rights an organization can claim - at Canada's highest court but ultimately only a small number of the dozens of groups that had asked to intervene were allowed through.

We'll continue to look to promote secular values in Canadian law and will watch this potentially landmark case when it's heard in November but unfortunately we have to do so from the sidelines this time.

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Chief Justice reverses decision, BCHA to intervene at Supreme Court of Canada

UPDATE (July 31, 2017):  Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin has just released an order reversing Justice Wagner's initial decision and approved all group's applications to intervene at the Supreme Court of Canada in the Trinity Western University cases. She also extended the hearing to two days to accommodate the numerous groups.

This means that the BC Humanist Association will be in Ottawa in November to argue for limits to what religious rights an organization can claim.

Donate now to support our intervention


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Fundamentalist Mormons found guilty of polygamy

Winston Blackmore and James Oler were found guilty yesterday of polygamy. The two are members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Bountiful BC and have over thirty wives between them.

Blackmore has welcomed the verdict, arguing it opens the opportunity for him to challenge the constitutionality of the law. 

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July 24, 2017 Newsletter

Later today a BC court will decide whether to convict fundamentalist Mormons Winston Blackmore and James Oler with polygamy. They are alleged to have married over 30 women between them.

This trial brings into conflict some of the values at the core of Humanism.

On the one hand, the principles of liberty ask us to support the free association of individuals, including in non-traditional relationships (for example, same sex couples or polyamorous relationships). In fact, we had UBC Philosophy Professor Carrie Jenkins talk to our Vancouver group last month about the evolution of the societal concepts of love. Similarly, our allies at the BC Civil Liberties Association have argued vociferously that the polygamy law is unconstitutional.

On the other hand, Humanists have a deep concern over how religious dogma leads to exploitation and violence against women and girls in this community. We have a duty to fight for the oppressed and to seek to reduce injustice in the world.

Whatever today's verdict, it is not likely to be the final word on this case.

If you are interested in hearing more about the details of this case, follow Vancouver Sun columnist Daphne Bramham, who has been covering this story for years and will be speaking at our Vancouver meeting in August.

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